“Secure HTTP” without HTTPS
in Unity




Quick Guide v1.21
by SEMO Graphics, Inc.


support: master@semographics.com

Unity and Unity Pro is the game engine created by
Unity Technologies.



You can set your own “Secure HTTP” system up without HTTPS in any of the cross platforms (iOS, Android, Webplayer, and Standalone) in Unity.

In this quick guide, with “Secure HTTP” I will explain, step by step, what needs to be done on your project in order to get a secure HTTP service without HTTPS in a day.


But “Secure HTTP” is not only a guide or a tutorial, it comes with all the server-side script (php) and client-side code (C#), together with an example Unity Scene and scripts to show its capabilities.


In this quick guide, The details regarding encryption algorithm was not explained. I focused on HOW to USE “Secure HTTP”.

In “Secure HTTP” system, there are no hidden binary codes, we provide full client and server source codes. If existing source codes are not satisfactory, you can change it.


Supported client platforms: Android, iOS, Webplayer, Standalone

Supported server script: PHP5 or PHP7

Supported DB for key storage: File, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.



Client : Unity > 5.x  (work on Unity 2017 & 2018)

Server: PHP > 5.x or 7.x,  OpenSSL or mcrypt, iconv and hash (optional) module. “Secure HTTP” support only php sever script. If your server script is ASP, JSP you can NOT use “Secure HTTP”.


What is “Secure HTTP without HTTPS”?

In Unity, whenever you connect to web server, “Secure HTTP” encrypts your plain text parameters with AES256 bit algorithm and sends encrypted texts to web server. And In client, It also decrypts all encrypted response text from your server.

For Example(GET request)

Your plain URL text.



Encrypted URL text with “Secure HTTP without HTTPS”
(you may use SMUtil.encryptURL(str) in client.)




Server accepts the request and sends the result encrypted text.


Decrypted result text in Client
(You may use SMAES.decryptIf(str) in client)


* We also support POST request too.(not support binary file upload)

Run & test prebuilt web/android app

WebPlayer Demo: just visit the URL.


Android Demo: download apk and run it on your android device (>4.1)




“Secure HTTP” support IOS device.


“Secure HTTP” support Standalone(Windows and etc).

What do we start?


“Secure HTTP” is cross-platform system; it can be used in iOS, android, webplayer, standalone at the same time. If that is not your case, I suggest you skip the section that does not suit you, as it won’t affect the rest of the quick guide. Of course, if you need cross-platform you will need to read it all! But hey, it’ll be worth it.


Server check: PHP with mcrypt, iconv, hash


As mentioned in the Asset Store, you need to have a remote server that is able to run PHP files. This server will accept the client’s secure request and send the secure result to the clients back.


1) Import the “Secure HTTP” package in your project

There are core files such as smaes.cs or etc, In “Secure_HTTP_core” folder.

Sample scenes and scripts are in “Secure_HTTP_examle” folder.

Since ver1.21, There are no javascript files. There are only C# files in package. We don’t need to move “Secure_HTTP_Core” folder to Plugins folder. Because we don’t use javascript scripts any more.

Check the following link regarding it.


Import the “Secure HTTP” in you project then you could find server_php_script.zip file in Secure_HTTP_example  folder.

2) Upload all PHP files to your server


The files provided in this package under the Secure_HTTP_example /server_php_script.zip needs to be uploaded to your server.
Unzip “server_php_script.zip” and upload smaes folder to your remote server. (Maybe /smaes ). You don’t need server_php_script.zip in client side any more.

in smaes folder, you can see 15 php files.

In your PC or Mac, run your browser and visit the following URL .


If you see the previous result then your server is ready to run “Secure HTTP”. If you have any problems in test_test.php page, run phpinfo(); and find the OpenSSL, mcrypt, iconv, hash modules ( CTRL+’F’ and type ‘mcrypt’ )


In your phpinfo() page, you should check if mcrypt, hash and iconv are installed or not.



OpenSSL(default) or mcrypt is required to run “Secure HTTP”. OpenSSL is default encryption/decryption API. But iconv and hash are optional components. If you really want to use “Secure HTTP” without iconv and hash php module. You may change the server script as follows (NOT RECOMMENDED)

Edit the /smaes/SMAES.php file in your remote server (yourdomain.com).

If you don’t have iconv module in php

If you don’t have hash (md5) module in php

Your server (yourdomain.com) is ready to accept secure request from the clients now.


Change client and server configuration – steps


What you need:

-        Unity License

-        Putty or telnet to login your remote server(yourdomain.com)

-        Android device

-        Web browser (firefox or chrome or else)


1)   Set your server name in client-side

Open “plugins/Secure_HTTP_core/SMServer.cs”
change m_ServerPath to “




2)   Change the m_prm_ky in both client and server

-        Client-side

Open the “plugins/Secure_HTTP_core/SMAES.cs”


Change m_prm_ky in SMAES.cs with your own string.
- more than 32bytes
 (for instance: “think_your_own_string_which_is_hard_to_guess” )

- m_prm_ky is something like personal room key. Don't reveal the m_prm_ky to anyone including your girl or boy friend(s).

l  You MUST and SHOULD change m_prm_ky value and don't forget to change in both client and server!

-        Server-side

Modify $m_prm_ky value in your server ( /smaes/SMConfig.php )


Run client on android - step


1)    Switch plaform to Android and check Development build to show full log message.


2)   Set Build Setting/Player setting


3)   Run example main scene( smmain.unity )

4)   Change GET parameter and check them


5)   Change POST parameter and check them

You successfully installed “Secure HTTP” and check it’s function. From now on, you can migrate your source codes from “Plain HTTP” to “Secure HTTP”.
(You don’t need Secure_HTTP_example folder any more.)


How to integrate with BestHTTP

*.BestHTTP is external useful HTTP asset in Unity Asset store. (You can use “Secure HTTP” without BestHTTP).

BestHTTP store link:

If you want to use Secure HTTP with BestHTTP, Check the following steps

1)     To Enable BestHTTP exaxmle, define the “USE_BESTHTTP” in setting.

In “Project/Other Settings/Scripting Define Symbols*” menu, add symbol “USE_BESTHTTP”.

2)     run “BestHTTPexample”


3)     check the scene “BestHTTP POST,GET URL”

4)     Regarding BestHTTP example, check the following scripts
example_besthttp_cs , example_besthttp_cs.cs

Client-side source migration - step


1)   Find all “WWW” in your project


2)   Manage GET request and result text

Before request, encrypt URL :  url = SMUtil.encrptURL(URL);

Before processing result text:  result = aes.DecryptIf(www.text);

3)   Find all “WWWForm” in your project

Replace WWWForm with SMWWWForm.


4)   Manage POST parameters and result text

WWWForm is the member variable of SMWWWForm. SMWWWForm is the just wrapper class to encapsulate encryption function.
Before request,

Before processing result text:  result = aes.DecryptIf(www.text);

5) Read the SMwww.cs in “Plugins/Secure_HTTP_core” folder

Server-side source migration - step

1) Edit php source

-       In server-side, you can simply add SMAES header and footer part in your script. You may need to make 1 result string to encrypt in your original source part.

- Edit SMConfig.php in server-side (debug or production ?)

$SMCONFIG['debug'] = true; // when debug
$SMCONFIG['debug'] = false;  // when production

Important things to rememeber!

- m_prm_ky should be more than 32bytes. And change it in both client and server at the same time.

- Don’t use the following parameter names when GET, POST requests.

  deviceid: intrinsic variable name when requesting GET, POST.
*_PC : If you add variable “varname” to GET or POST, then “varname_PC” variable will be automatically added to validate it’s values.
 // refer SMUtil.encryptURL(), SMWWWFORM
 varname_PC = md5(varname);

- You can see server’s log from following URL.


- If you think that “Secure HTTP” does not work, you can debug it, check
http://yourdomain.cm/smaes/test_test.php. You may find debug log file path like “/var/tmp/smaes-error.log”

 tail –f /var/tmo/smaes-error.log


- I strongly recommend that you send and receive all GET or POST parameters in one JSON string. You can parse simply JSON in php and C#. It will be more secure than transferring every variables between the server and clients.


- Maximum length of HTTP GET request?

- Cross domain error  in webplayer:

-   AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) : The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a specification for the encryption of electronic data established by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001.



To be more secure, you can update client’s prm_ky generated on Server. Whenever client connects like session.( v1.11)

m_prm_ky is the private key. We can change and synchronize it between client and server. Everytime client connects.

To update m_prm_ky, you can use SMKey.cs  in client and syncKey.php in server.

In unity editor, load “example_replace_prm_ky” scene and run it.


Cient’s prm_key is updated and Server’s prm_key is also updated when request synKey.php in server.

And you can see the prm_ky is changed in window.
( set $SMCONFIG[“storage”] to “file” in SMConfig.php )


-        How to syncKey in Client

-        How to syncKey in Server. ( edit SMConfig.php)

You can set $SMCONFIG[“storage”].

none: NOT use key storage, just use initial prm_ky.(no change prm_ky)

(valid any number of web servers) - default

file : generate prm_ky whenever "syncKey.php" is called. and save it to file storage.(valid only 1 web server)

mysql :  generate prm_ky whenever "syncKey.php" is called. and save it to MySQL.(valid any number of web servers)

psql :  generate prm_ky whenever "syncKey.php" is called. and save it to PostgreSQL(valid any number of web servers)


-        You can call syncKey() at anytime, after syncKey() your prm_ky is changed to value. (you may wait until synKey() is finished)

-        syncKey() encrypt url and decrypt result with deviceid as prm_ky.

-        If you choose “none” as storage, we did not change key and always use initial prm_ky as encryption and decryption.

-        “file” storage is selected when you have only 1 web server. Because prm_ky is saved in server disk.

-        If you have more than 2 web servers, you should choose DB storage(“mysql” or “psql”) to synchronize keys between client and server.


// MySQL table

CREATE TABLE `EveryDB`.`SMKey_tbl` (

`key_id` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,

`key_val` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,

`key_ip` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,

`key_date` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,

`etc` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,

UNIQUE ( `key_id` )

) COMMENT = 'SMKey table';



// PostgreSQL table


    key_id        varchar(255),

    key_val        varchar(255),

    key_ip        varchar(255),

    key_date        varchar(255),

    etc        varchar(255),

    CONSTRAINT key_id_idx UNIQUE(key_id)



Create table in you DB(MySQL or PostgreSQL) and edit SMConfig.php with proper values.



-         $SMCONFIG[“SSL_TYPE”]

OPENSSL: select openssl as encryption and decryption API (default since v1.20)

MCRYPT: select mcrypt as encryption and decryption API (NOT recommended)


if you change $SMCONFIG[“SSL_TYPE”], then you should change in client at the same time.

in client (SMAES.cs)


// m_CryptType: Set Crypt type (OpenSSL or MCrypt)

// (important!) you should change this value in both client(SMAES.cs) and server(SMAES.php) at the same time.



static private SSL_TYPE m_CryptType = SSL_TYPE.OPENSSL;


-         $SMCONFIG[“OPENSSL_METHOD”] 값에 따른 동작

: openssl method (Don’t change!)


Version Control


Version 1.21 (2019.03.11)

-         Delete all Javascript example scene and scripts.

-         Update documents regarding JS.

Version 1.20 (2019.03.07)

-         Support alternative encryption API(OpenSSL) and OpenSSL is default.

-         Add BestHTTP example, scene and scripts
(example_besthttp_cs , example_besthttp_cs.cs)

-         Fix the a couple of bugs(SMUtil.cs) and errata


Version 1.13 (2015.03.08)

-         Support server log viewer in client( yourdomain.com/smaes/test_console.php )

-         Fix test_test.php page.

-         Fix the bug regarding UTF8 issue. (Thanks to Park Ju Sung, he helped me to fix it)


Version 1.11 (2015.02.09)

-         We can update and synchronize prm_ky between client and server. whenever client connects. (Thanks to Robin Tan, he provided private key sync idea.)


Version 1.02~1.05

-         Fix some errata



Version 1.01

-         Created